As one of the first B2B platforms in the Indian textile industry, Locofast is on a mission to solve the problems rampant in the textile supply chain in India. In its short lifetime, it has managed to earn the trust and favor of many leading clothing lines including Zara, H&M, and Marks and Spences. This has been made possible primarily through Locofast’s proprietary technology system with its user-friendly interface that enables our customers to connect directly with our partners with ease.
While moving the textile procurement process to a cloud-based platform has been lauded by many, there is a fair share of manufacturers who remain skeptical of the process. In fact, some of the most frequently asked questions that the Locofast team addresses include concerns about quality, transparency, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. We believe that all these concerns, while completely valid, can be resolved if we onboard reliable and quality suppliers.
All Locofast suppliers are handpicked and they undergo a thorough orientation that qualifies them to be integrated into the Locofast ecosystem. Furthermore, to ensure that all potential partners would be able to provide quality products and services to our customers, they have to undergo a 3-step onboarding process.
Step 1

In order to partner with Locofast, the first step requires the vendors to reach out to the Locofast team via the website. They have to fill out a form with their basic personal information as well as information about the type of textiles they produce. This includes information about the textile type (knits/woven) and the category of textiles they deal in (greige/finished fabric).
Step 2.
Once the form has been received, the Locofast team reaches out to the suppliers on the phone. This is followed by a visit to the faculty to ensure that the suppliers align with our quality and speed benchmarks. Between these, the team also audits the overall business model of the suppliers in order to evaluate if they would be a good fit within our system.
Step 3.
As soon as the suppliers are audited and verified successfully, they officially become Locofast partners and are eligible to bid for and secure contracts. They also become eligible for Locofast financial support, which includes access to working-capital loans and invoice-discounting at the best available rates. Furthermore, to ensure consistent quality, they are routinely subject to quality checks and visits.
Since our inception three years ago, Locofast has been able to partner with over 500+ happy suppliers who have been able to get consistent orders, expand their business, and forge connections with other industry players. In partnering with Locofast, they have embraced the future of the textile industry in India.