Complete Visibility: How Locofast Ensures Transparency in Fabric Orders

The Indian textile industry, despite its vital role in the country’s economy, faces numerous challenges, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Traditional textile procurement processes often suffer from issues such as a lack of transparency, limited price choices, inconsistent deliveries, and communication gaps. In 2019, Locofast emerged as a revolutionary force in the Indian textile industry, addressing these challenges and ensuring complete visibility in fabric orders. In this blog, we will delve into how Locofast achieves this transparency and empowers both suppliers and customers in the process.

The Challenge of Lack of Transparency

One of the primary issues in the textile industry is the lack of transparency, particularly in terms of pricing. Traditional procurement methods often involve dealing with traders, not direct mills, which results in limited choices for customers. This lack of direct interaction with suppliers can raise questions about the fairness of prices and the quality of materials.

The Solution: Locofast’s Transparent Platform

Locofast takes a fresh approach to textile procurement by providing a transparent platform for customers. Here’s how they ensure transparency in fabric orders:

1. Transparent Pricing: Locofast’s app allows customers to enter their queries, and suppliers post their prices. This creates a competitive environment where suppliers strive to provide the best quotes. Customers have the agency to view and compare the prices quoted by various suppliers, ensuring that they get the best deal.

2. Order Tracking: After placing an order, customers can easily track their order’s progress on the app. They receive real-time updates at every checkpoint and have access to expected delivery times. This feature not only builds trust but also eliminates the need for constant communication with traders.

3. Complete Visibility: Locofast’s proprietary cloud technology ensures that every step of the procurement process is easily accessible and transparent. This means that customers have full visibility into the entire supply chain, from order placement to delivery.

Procure Fabrics from India’s Fastest Growing Platform

Locofast’s mission is to provide a streamlined and efficient platform for textile procurement, benefiting both customers and suppliers. Here are some of the advantages of partnering with Locofast:

– Overall Savings: Customers can save up to 6% on their fabric orders. This cost-efficiency is crucial for SMEs looking to maximize their profits.

– Reliable Delivery: Locofast boasts a 95% On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) delivery rate, ensuring that customers receive their orders as expected.

– Large Choice: Customers can access a wide range of fabric options on a single platform. This diverse selection empowers them to make the best choices for their businesses.

– Credit Options: Locofast also provides affordable credit options from NBFCs and banks, further assisting SMEs in managing their finances.

Benefits for Different Stakeholders

Locofast caters to various stakeholders in the textile industry, offering tailored solutions to meet their unique needs:


If you’re a brand looking for a one-stop platform that provides assistance with design and product development, offers new and unique collections based on upcoming trends, and inspires you to stay ahead of the competition, Locofast is the perfect partner for you.


Locofast serves manufacturers by providing industry-best prices, faster and reliable delivery, and complete end-to-end visibility on fabric orders. This ensures they can efficiently meet the demands of their customers.

Buying Houses:

Buying houses can benefit by referring customers to Locofast. They can nominate manufacturers to help them source high-quality fabrics and nominate brands to access Locofast’s collections based on emerging trends.

Our Customer Base

Locofast has built a strong customer base, with over 1200 loyal customers serviced by their suppliers each month. Their network is not limited to India; they serve customers from all over the world, further emphasizing their global reach.

In conclusion, Locofast is revolutionizing the textile industry by providing a transparent and efficient platform for fabric procurement. With complete visibility, transparent pricing, and order tracking, Locofast is making it easier for both customers and suppliers to do business in the textile industry. Whether you’re a brand, manufacturer, or buying a house, partnering with Locofast can help you save costs, enhance efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition in this dynamic industry.

Connect with Locofast now to experience the future of textile procurement!

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